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Remote Control System

A real time remote control solution for information systems.

It allows to command a set of slave displays using a remote control app.


  • Commercial displays at storefronts or restaurants.
  • Public Information for cities, airports or transportation centers.
  • Industrial active information screens.

How does it work?

First you bind devices and then you can assign views to them.

Basic concepts:

  • Device is any networked machine.
  • Component is a reusable module of code.
  • Scope is a namespace to store variables.
  • View belongs to one user and includes a component and a store.


  • Navigate to nabla.net in one device. You get a QR code.
  • Scan the QR using this app or Google Lens.
  • The device is bound when the QR goes away.
  • Select a view using this remote control.
  • Edit or create your views.

A cheap solution to deploy displays is using a Raspberry PI in kiosk mode.